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Webinar on Policies and Challenges to promote the inclusion and participation of LGBTQI+ migrants

Policies and challenges to promote the inclusion and participation of LGBTQ+ migrants”

The webinar, organized by the City of Mechelen and the region of Flanders, presented existing policies and initiatives addressing the participation and inclusion of LGTBQI+ migrants and identified existing challenges in developing appropriate policies. It also provided an opportunity for policymakers and implementers at local, regional and national levels to learn about the approaches of their peers.  

During the webinar, the Rainbow Cities Network shared lessons learned and best practices from their global network for LGBTI equality, while the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Equalcity Project presented a new toolbox on creating safe(r) spaces for people with a migrant background who identify as LGBTQI+ people. Lastly, the cities of Berlin and Amsterdam discussed initiatives and challenges they are encountering in developing local policies.

24 November

Working Group Meeting

14 December

Partnership Meeting